The project with aim to promote humanitarian assistance and advocacy to donate food items and basic supplies to vulnerable populations and in its case, 500 widows, victims of natural disasters and armed conflicts in the Northwest and Southwest regions of Cameroon, seeking refuge in Buea, Southwest region of Cameroon.
This project began with visits to companies, appealing for sponsorship and partnership. The first phase, conducted in Douala was led by our resource person Mr. Toto Maurice accompanied by YANA’s team who visited companies like NESTLÉ, BOISSONS DU CAMEROUN, CHOCOCAM, UCB, MAYOR, and SOTICAM. Then it continued in the South West Region which was carried out by YANA team who visited SONARA and SUPERMONT. The team was given a warm reception in each of the companies visited and advised on the timing of the appeal as well as opportunities and possibilities for partnership ties between the parties. The team however was able to establish collaborations with these companies for future partnerships.
During the project implementation phase, team members and volunteers went into various communities and sensitized the population about the widows’ outreach, held meetings with these women hit by the loss of their spouses and the effects thereof while compiling a database of widows. These communities included Muea, Mile 16 Bolifamba, Mile 14 Dibanda and Bomaka respectfully. The team also visited the Chief of Mile 16 Bolifamba with an invitation letter inviting him to the ceremony.
On Saturday the 9th of December 2023, the widows’ outreach which took place at the Mile 16 Farmers’ Cooperative Hall started at 2:00 pm (CAT) and recorded a massive turn out of over 700 widows, more than the 500 initially envisaged and budgeted for. Despite these challenges, everyone who came left satisfied. The beneficiaries through their women leaders expressed their sincere gratitude to YANA and her collaborators for their timely intervention/assistance rendered to them in a time of economic distress and multidimensional hardship.
The team at YANA wishes to extend our sincere gratitude to all who through their generous donations made this program a success, especially to SOTICAM and our volunteers for partnering in this heart-warming initiative.
Achievements and Impact:
Donated food items; rice, vegetable oil, spices and basic supplies to over 500 widows on December 9, 2023 as a gesture of hope and encouragement.
Challenges and Suggestions:
There is the urgent need to make this program self-sustainable through other income generating schemes that could empower these widows and/or their children, promoting self-sufficiency through economically beneficial skill development programs as well as promotion of small startups for these underprivileged women.